Winter is here

I find myself in


Not the one that’s dark and bleak,

But the one that knocks at the window,

Or caresses me when I am asleep.

I like the windy days, and the cold, that it transpires,

Yes, I am much in

love with winters,

I love the

wood and bonfires.

I feel love in the gush,

it’s the wind narrating stories,

Even the blade of grass stands still,

As it awaits the

dancing fairies…

I am a winter person,

As I get the warmth in chill…

Sweaters can’t contain me

My heart bleeds to see the


I find myself in winters,

When I am back home, and it rains…

I forget the sorrows

I held for long,

I forget it ever pained.

Ⓒ Prakriti Kundaliya

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